After spending a few years teaching myself how to shoot and process digital images to look like film, I had an "a ha" moment at the end of 2011. Why not just shoot film?
I'm always on the hunt for the beautiful and curious with a camera in hand.
You can follow my 52 weeks of film project here:

Read more from Deborah Candeub below
That evanescent shimmer of meaning in a brief condition of light revealing color is my personal decisive moment.
I’ve always liked butterflies, but then who doesn’t? They are such beautiful, improbable natural wonders.
Deborah Candeub is our guest curator this week for the photostream and the theme is "Wonder."
Did you ever feel limited when trying to represent something in a little bidimensional, one layered frame?
In this wonderful piece, Deborah Candeub shares how to convey her vission of an expanded world through multiple exposures.
This summer I traveled to Istria, Croatia and Venice, Italy with three generations of my family. It’s been many years since I’ve had my passport stamped, and in the intervening years I’ve become both a parent and a photographer. That combination can make for a real internal push-pull when traveling far from home.
Deborah Candeub guest curates the photostream this week and the theme is Perspectives.