Curated Photos - Ongoing Series | May 21 2018 | Marc Nagainis | Film Shooters Collective

Curated Photos - Ongoing Series | May 21 2018 | Marc Nagainis

At any one time I engage myself in probably 5-7 ongoing photo series. I'm not sure which comes first, the idea for the series, or a an ongoing group of photos that starts to suggest a theme.  For me, I think the latter.  Regardless, I love the pursuit, the "looking for order" in a chaotic world of images.  For this months curation I present your ongoing series best of.  Thank you for sharing.


Every week the FSC features an article with a Curated Photostream that is open to all.  You may only submit one (1) photo and it *must* be a jpeg file and no larger than 20 MB. Please title the file "Title_Camera_Film_YourName.jpg" so that we may properly credit you if your photo is selected. Remember to check our Submit page to see all currently open photostreams. 

My next curation will be in about a month. Lately, I've found it very difficult to motivate myself to get out and shoot.  Show me how you motivate yourself when "writes block" sets in and you're not feeling it. Do your worst, show me your best, show me your muse. Submit your image here.

LUCY WAINWRIGHT will be curating next week.  Her curation is May 28 and her theme is "Your Favourite Place." You may submit your image here.  


I'm Film photographer Marc Nagainis and am based in Ottawa, Canada.  You can see more of my work and my ongoing series on my website.