Recently we issued a general invitation for film photographers to send in their favorite (film) photograph from 2022, and today, in honor of Valentine’s Day, we are delighted to share them with the world! Thank you to everybody who sent in a photo. (Spoiler alert: I decided to share them all!)

Ashley Richardson

Addie Latimer

Birdman } Olympus XA2 | Brian Lopez
Black Beach | Nikon Zoom Touch 400 | Reggie Gross

blood roses | canon eos 3000 | Beth Maciorowski

Apr 2022 | Power House 01 | Bob St Cyr

Steve Selvidge

California Oceanside | Minolta SRT 202 28MM | Max Dashevsky

Donna fugata | Canon FT | Franco Carino Zanotti

Eye | Leica M6 | Canon 50mm 1.4 LTM | ruggero ranzani

Shammi Farook

Mother | Chinon CG | 550mm 1.9 | JPCampbell

Liles Falls | Ektachrome | Roy Shiro

Lionheart | Contax G2 Planar 45mm f2 | Jane de Deus

Pentax MX 15 | Larry St. Lezin