Curated Photos | November 22nd, 2015 | Marc Nagainis | Film Shooters Collective

Curated Photos | November 22nd, 2015 | Marc Nagainis

Thrift Shop

I'm gonna pop some tags
Only got $20 in my pocket
I, I, I'm hunting
Looking for a come up
This is ****ing awesome


I like shopping at my local thrift shop.  You never know what kind of a deal you're going to come home with, whether it's a couple of leather jackets for $20 each or something really cool from the mid 50's.  I don't find many cameras at my local, I'm pretty sure the good ones don't make it to the floor or are scooped up before I get there.  I have however found some really well made point and shoots from the 80's and 90's by Nikon, Canon and Olympus.  My best find was actually not my find at all, it was made by my wife.  She picked up a pretty well pristine Asahi Pentax Spotmatic (SP500) with a 55 f2 screw on lens for all of $12.99 CAN, that's about $4.25 US these days.  SWEET!

This week's stream is dedicated to those bargain cameras and the images they produce in the right hands.