For me, each week's photostream is a little like Christmas Morning, but never quite so much as when I get to curate a week without a theme. What I saw, when I looked at the beautiful collection of submissions, were photographs that came together to tell stories - three, stories, to be exact. I present them to you here as the dichotomy of public v private life, with the reality of celebrity cast against the longing for childhood, an adventure through nature that begins with the breaking of a rule, and a road journey to the city that begins at dawn. These stories are what I saw; what do you see, what story would you tell?
Next week's curated photostream will feature the theme of Order and Disorder and will be curated by Ruby Berry. You can submit your photos of randomness and patterns here,

3 Muscle Beach, Venice CA 1973 | TriX Silver Print | Leica M2-35mm Summicron 2.8 | Peter Karnig

Cheese | Contax G2, 21mm, Tri-x | Emanuele Bertoni

accidental ghost | 10x8 devere view camera | Ralph Whitehead

window of enlightment | solargraphy drinkcan camera pinhole | Jesús Joglar

Bounce | Yashica Electro 35 GSN | Gabi Roozee

to salvation | Leica M6 Zeiss 35mm 2.8 | lilly schwartz

Old Town Jodhpur | Minolta XD7 Rokkor 58mm 1.4 | Kentmere 400 | Tristan Aitchison

STOP | Hasselblad 500cm 60mm CT | Aaron Bieleck

Il Percorso | holga 120 TLR | barbara justice

Heart Of Oak | Linhof and Schneider 135mm | Karen Thurman

Untitled | Olympus XA4 Superia 200 | Lucy Wainwright

Branch | Hasselblad 500cm Kodak Ektar | Colton Allen

Oestelbachtal II | Fuji GW690 III | H.P. Linz

Evening Field | Pentax 6x7 105mm Lens Fuji 400h | Mark Hillyer

Fishing With Dad | Canon TL 50mm | Jennifer Battis

Untitled | Canon AE1 128-85mm | Taylor Hanigosky

Caravan Jones | Canon Canonet 28 Kodak Gold | Oliver Liria

Misty | DIY 6x17 90mm | Raul Pires Coelho

The Window | Rolleiflex 3.5 | Sarah Taft

sculling on dusk | nikon f100af nikkor 50mm f1.8 | neal thorley