Erik Gould | Film Shooters Collective

Erik Gould

My name is Erik Gould and I'm a photographer based in Rhode Island, USA. I have a day job as a museum photographer and that of course is now all digital. I do my own work as I can and for that I still prefer to shoot film and print it myself. I enjoy the challenge of "getting it right" on film and working within the parameters that film and paper set on the process. I also just love the time in the darkroom, developing film, making prints and looking over contact sheets. I think I always will. I want my work to look photographic and for me that means analog, even if the final result ends up as a digital presentation.

The pictures included here are from a body of work I did in the Mohawk Valley area of New York state, near where I grew up. For technical details all of these pictures where made with a Fuji 6x9 camera on 120 film, either Ilford FP-4+ or Kodak 400 Tmax. I process and print in my own darkroom.

See more film photography from Erik Gould on his website or on Flickr.  

See more from Erik Gould below

Amy Jasek

Photography is a family tradition. I was raised in the darkroom, and on the fine art work of photographers like Edward Weston, Diane Arbus, and Ansel Adams. My father took me photographing with him regularly and taught me how to look at light. He gave me my first camera (an Olympus RC); I made my first black and white print (standing on a stool!) at the age of 7. There are some gaps in the timeline of my photographic journey, enforced upon it by life in general, but film and cameras are one of the few things that have remained constant every step of the way. For me, photography is all about moments and truth. I like to work in black and white so that I can highlight those two things. The truth, form, and simplicity of the moment is presented; I feel that removing the color from the scene brings these things out. I believe street photography is a little window into the heart and soul of a place, a time, and the people in it. These days I tend more toward street portraits and interaction with my subjects, but my drive for capturing the candid moment remains the same.