Collective inspiration challenge no. 1: Inspired by Ruby Falls

Collective inspiration challenge no. 1:  Inspired by Ruby Falls

I am mainly an available light photographer.  Sometimes I enjoy using on-camera flash, particularly at night, but at best I am trusting my gut with it rather than going by any real experience or knowledge.  I know even less about studio lighting.  Really, I know nothing.  I just know that sometimes when I am photographing indoors, I need more light, and I don't always want that to be in the form of a flash.  I own a few softboxes, mainly because a few months ago a friend hired me to do a little photo shoot in a bar so dark it may as well have been a camera obscura, and it seemed like a great excuse to acquire a little gear and try to learn something new.

Collective Inspiration Challenge No. 1: Amy Jasek and Ruby Falls

Collective Inspiration Challenge No. 1:  Amy Jasek and Ruby Falls

One day as I was scrolling through the FSC photostream, I was thinking about what a wonderful variety of styles, genres, themes, and subjects I was seeing.  It also happened to be one of those unfortunately frequent periods when I was finding myself stuck in a rut -- or the Blah Spiral, as I call it.  I wasn't thrilled about anything I was shooting, I couldn't think of anything I wanted to shoot, and while I wanted more than anything to just pick up my camera, I needed A Reason to get me going.  So I thought about how comfort zones led to ruts.  And how I was *always* inspired by the people and amazing work I see on FSC.  And then I thought:  CHALLENGE.  And immediately messaged Amy and Cameron to see what they thought.