Stop at Two | Ricoh GR1s + Fuji Neopan | kaxdd
An image from a series I shot at one of the few peaceful protests in Singapore, against the White Paper to increase population to 6.9 million. People are becoming more and more frustrated at the policy by Singapore government to allow more and more foreigners to come into Singapore, endangering the livelihood of native Singaporean citizens.

World Class Transport | Ricoh GR1s + Fuji Neopan | kaxdd
At the White Paper Protest in Singapore, one of the issues brought up was the public (or rather "private") transport. The government has termed our transport system as "world class" without making any reference to what "world class" means. The train and bus transport systems have been privatized, leading to them making money rather than enhancing commuters' experience. Worst, the overcrowding issue due to massive influx of foreigners only strained the system further, causing several major breakdowns last year. People want affordable public transport system, not "world class" transport system.

Singa"POOR"eans | Ricoh GR1s + Fuji Neopan | kaxdd
Over the years, inflation and cost of living have been steadily rising, but salary is not keeping up the pace. This leads to wider gap between the rich and poor. Public housing has lost its meaning, with prices becoming increasingly out of reach from the public. It also doesn't help that flats are becoming smaller and yet more expensive (e.g. US$300,000 for a 90sqm apartment with a 99-year lease). People are increasingly disillusioned by the policy of the government.

Show me the MONEY! | Ricoh GR1s + Fuji Neopan | kaxdd
High cost of living coupled with increasing price of public housing have caused people to worry about their future. Monthly compulsory contribution of 20% salary goes into a Central Provident Fund (CPF) managed by the government. The CPF is supposed to provide us for retirement at age 55. However, the age limit has been rising regularly together with other regulations that make withdrawal harder. I do not know if I can withdraw my money and retire in Singapore.